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About Us

We consider chickens only one tiny step below us. Chickens are our friends and our family.

We are a group of funky people, funny people, and creative people. We might like chickens, we might love chickens. But either way, we want to help promote the respect and understanding for them. Our tight little group contains: Rachel Sun, the creator of this site who is absolutely in to chickens and wants to help. She is as lively as a chicken, as funny as a chicken, and tough as a chicken, to. She is grateful and generous. We then have Dellin Zhang, the "pull-upper" of many pictures and the Editor-in-Chief. She is the best at bargaining and a crafty chap. Rachel said when she wanted Dellin to join,"It would be nice if you helped me finish my website."  Dellin, being a very good friend and after a few conditions, (Saying that "I'm magical!" to some people and doing a handful of random stuff) Dellin agreed to join. Emily Wu, who is the second Editor-in-Chief, spared her precious dance time to gather 'round the laptop with the Chikyn Team and sit down with some snacks and help create this site. Catherine Xu, who is the silliest and brightest, happiest person in this team, the one who took some photos.

And lastly, Rachel's beautiful chickens. Live happily on, Chickens!

Say hello to some of Rachel's Chickens!

Flapper is enjoying the fresh breeze and perching happily

© 2013 by THE CHIKYN TEAM. No animals were harmed in the making of this site.

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